viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2022

all about CCN-Nicaragua

 All about CCN-Nicaragua

1-The two main Nicaraguan beers are “Toña” and “La Victoria”. La Toña is produced by the Compañía Cervecera de Nicaragua and is generally well received by locals and travelers from abroad.

2-Where is the Nicaraguan Brewing Company located? It is Located in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, CCN has produced high-quality beer for more than 80 years. In 1996, CCN merged with Industrial Cervecera, S.A. (ICSA) to form the largest brewery in Nicaragua

3-the brewery industry, S.A. It was a company created by the Pellas family, owners of the San Antonio Sugar Mill and the main producers of liquors, including Flor de Caña Rum. Toña was conceived as a strategy of the Pellas family to enter the beer market in Nicaragua.

4-What was the first Nicaraguan beer? Victoria Clásica, the first Nicaraguan beer and the first brand in the Compañía Cervecera de Nicaragua (CCN) portfolio, commemorates the 95th anniversary of its creation and its contribution to the country's beer industry.

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